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Spring Seeds Are In! Get Ahead of the Game!

Our Lawrenceville location is chock-full of fresh seeds for the 2025 growing season--get 'em while the gettin's good!

Starting plants from seed can be an incredibly rewarding experience for gardeners of any level. It helps connect us plant lovers more closely with our plant children, and really "roots" us in the process.

Did you know that humans have been collecting and saving seeds for over 12,000 years?? The agricultural revolution this gave way to paved the way for the development of modern society.

Along the way, many plants have been bred to be more productive or exhibit different characteristics and their original counterparts. By planting seeds, you're becoming a part of a deeply human tradition that has shaped the way we exist and organize as a species.

While it takes a bit more effort, planting seeds can be a much more cost-effective way to garden as well, as seed packets contain many more seeds than a 4-pack of plant plugs! The investment of time and effort will reward you with a deep appreciation of the plant cycle--as well as a bountiful harvest!

Whether you're looking to start growing fruits, vegetables, herbs, microgreens, perennials or wildflowers, our seed section is sure to have what you need. Once you've selected your seeds, you'll be happy to know we also carry a full selection of seed-starting materials.

Starting your seeds is the tricky part, and we have a bunch of products to make sure you get it right the first time! From soils and plant food to seed-starting trays and miniature greenhouses, we really do have it all.

Need help? Us plant nerds love answering your most pressing questions!

And stay tuned! We'll be bringing out some of our first cold season fruits, veggies and herbs within the next few weeks. Spring is on its way! Make sure you're subscribed to our newsletter so you don't miss out on the earliest and best selection!

With Spring so close, that also means our Hillsborough store is getting ready to wake from hibernation. In just a few weeks, our landscape plants will be making their way back out from the greenhouses and onto the store floor.

Cold Season Fruits & Veggies - Coming Soon!!
Cold Season Fruits & Veggies - Coming Soon!!

Things are getting exciting!! Come visit today!



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