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Winter is Reading Season for Us Gardeners!

For most of us gardeners, the active part of the gardening year is so busy that there is little time left at the end of the day to read all the books and magazines that you have collected and want to read. Consequently, the time for reading is winter, and what better subject to read more about than plants? The book I’m going crazy for right now is Wild at Home: How to Style and Care for Beautiful Plants by Hilton Carter

Although I already know how to care for most of these plants, I loved that this book is sort of an interior design guide using plants mixed with how to care for them. The description I read intrigued me: "Make your home a healthier and more beautiful place to be with Hilton Carter’s inspirational ideas."

Wild at Home, by Hilton Carter
Wild at Home, by Hilton Carter

This book is not only a guide to plant care, but also an inspirational source for interior design using plants. The author believes that plants can make a home healthier and more beautiful, as shown in the tour of his apartment and other lush spaces. Carter, who owns over 200 plants, emphasizes the importance of plants for both their beauty and health benefits.

This comprehensive guide arms you with all you need to know about plant care, including placement, propagation, pot selection, and design for optimal visual impact.  Learn how to combine various sizes and leaf shapes, grow succulents from cuttings, create air plant displays, and more.

Greenhouse Number 4 at Bountiful Gardens, Lawrenceville
Greenhouse Number 4 at Bountiful Gardens, Lawrenceville

I meet so many people that think indoor plants are hard to grow but they really are not if you just take some time to get to know each family of plants. If you choose the right species for your environment and provide basic care they are very easy; however, a few plants can be more demanding and require specific conditions, making them a little harder to maintain than others, especially for beginner gardeners.

I find when someone has a problem with a plant, the usual issue is over watering their indoor plants. Generally, you should water only when the soil is dry about 1-2 inches down, then water sparingly. I water plants thoroughly until water drains from the bottom of the pot, but then I allow the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings.

Just be careful how good you get at caring for plants or your home may turn into an indoor plant jungle. In other words, you may end up owning a collection of tropical plants that are arranged in such a beautiful way that they create a lush, tropical vibe that might make you never want to leave your home. Also be aware that it can be addicting. I have this addiction. It is called phytophilia, which comes from the Greek words phytòn (plant) and philìa (love or passion).

Want to see the largest collection of indoor plants in our area? Then you should make a visit to see my collection at our Ewing or Lawrenceville greenhouses any day between 9am-5pm. We are open all winter.

Our Ewing, NJ Tropical Greenhouse
Our Ewing, NJ Tropical Greenhouse

Have you been thinking about starting an indoor plant collection but feel intimidated? Think of it simply as a collection of individual plants which might make it more approachable. You can build small, you don’t have to invest much, and it’s fun to watch things grow.

Collections are more fun when you’re learning about something new. So take a look around and start noticing what plants you like. Then find out what they’re called and if they grow in sun or shade. Find out how big they get. And then see if you want to add it to your collection!

Like any collection, the point isn’t to go out and buy the whole thing in a weekend. It’s fun to start with one inspiring ‘first’ and then build from there, learning along the way!

Our Philodendron and Calathea section at Bountiful Gardens, Ewing
Our Philodendron and Calathea section at Bountiful Gardens, Ewing



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